Posts Tagged ‘ Barack Obama ’

The Cost Of Attacking Libya

Five days into Operation Odyssey Dawn, the bill racked up by the U.S. alone is undoubtedly already in the hundreds of millions of dollars. And the U.S. military, which remains in the lead now, will continue to pump millions more into strikes targeting military assets in Libya. On March 19, while announcing he had ordered the air strikes, Obama phoned in his remarks from Brazil, conveying that the United States was at war because we had no other choice. Congress and the President have enacted 11 separate formal declarations of war against foreign nations in five different wars. Each declaration has been preceded by a presidential request either in writing or in person before a joint session of Congress. Continue reading

War Powers Resolution (Congress and the President)

War Powers Resolution

Joint Resolution

Concerning the War Powers of Congress and the President.

Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


SECTION 1. This joint resolution may be cited as the “War Powers Resolution”.


SEC. 2. (a) It is the purpose of this joint resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and insure that the collective judgement of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities or in such situations.

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Joe Biden Impeach Obama For Waging War

Watch the video of Joe Biden calling to Impeach Bush For Waging War Without Congressional Approval. Where is Biden now? Where is the speech to impeach Obama, BIDEN?

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Obama Unconstitutional Attack On Libya
Obama Avoid World Conflicts
Libya Unrest Heading Into Civil War, Obama Hiding
Obama Illegal Afghanistan War
Bahrain Army Open Fire On Innocent (Warning Graphic Video)
Muammar Gaddafi’s ‘I am a fighter’
The House Negro And The Field Negro
Michelle Obama On Beach In Spain
Michelle Obama Chimp Image On Google

Rush Limbaugh: The Obamas Party Like Royalty
Obama Ignore Soldiers Dying In Afghanistan
Presidential Seal Falls During Obama’s Speech
Hugo Chavez Calls Obama The Devil
Hillary Clinton Warned America About Obama
Barack Obama A Muslim
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Obama Unconstitutional Attack On Libya

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Obama Fiddles As Egypt Collapse
Obama Avoid World Conflicts
Libya Unrest Heading Into Civil War, Obama Hiding
Obama Illegal Afghanistan War
Bahrain Army Open Fire On Innocent (Warning Graphic Video)
Muammar Gaddafi’s ‘I am a fighter’
The House Negro And The Field Negro
Michelle Obama On Beach In Spain
Michelle Obama Chimp Image On Google

Rush Limbaugh: The Obamas Party Like Royalty
Obama Ignore Soldiers Dying In Afghanistan
Presidential Seal Falls During Obama’s Speech
Hugo Chavez Calls Obama The Devil
Hillary Clinton Warned America About Obama
Barack Obama A Muslim
About Emptysuit
Your Opinion

Obama More Interested In Basketball Than World Crisis

Workers were ordered to withdraw briefly from a stricken Japanese nuclear power plant on Wednesday after radiation levels surged, a development that suggested the crisis was spiraling out of control. Panic over the economic impact of last Friday’s massive earthquake and tsunami knocked $620 billion off Japan’s stock market over the first two days of this week. Confusion caused by a catastrophic earthquake and massive tsunami spread in Japan on Monday, with a quake-hit nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture suffering another hydrogen explosion and train services in the Kanto region surrounding Tokyo mostly paralyzed due to Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s announcement it was restricting power supply. The number of the dead or unaccounted for following the magnitude 9.0 quake came to about 5,900 after around 1,000 bodies were found Monday on several shores on the Oshika Peninsula in Miyagi Prefecture, while police and firefighters worked to recover another 200 to 300 bodies in Sendai, the capital of Miyagi.

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Muammar Gaddafi’s ‘I am a fighter’

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I must remind readers of my October 17, 2009 post Obama Gives Khadhaffi $2.5M In Aid, Khadhaffi Releases 88 Al-Qaeda Terrorists The government of Libya released 88 veteran al-Qaeda and affiliated terrorists from Abu Slim prison. Continue reading

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Michelle Obama For Eating Ribs (Transcript)

From February 21

LIMBAUGH: I’m sure you’re aware that nutritionist-at-large Michelle Obama is urging, demanding, advocating, requiring what everybody can and can’t eat. She is demanding that everybody basically eat cardboard and tofu. No calories, no fat, no nothing — gotta stop obesity. Except as in the case of all leftists, that’s true for you, but not for them.

Michelle My Belle, minus the husband, took the kids out to Vail on a ski vacation, and they were spotted eating and they were feasting on ribs, ribs that were 1,575 calories per serving with 141 grams of fat per serving. Now I’m sure some of you members of the new castrati: “This is typical of what you do Mr. Limbaugh, you take an isolated, once in a lifetime experience, and try to say that she’s a hypocrite.” She is a hypocrite. Leaders are supposed to be leaders. If we’re supposed to go out and eat nothing — if we’re supposed to eat roots, and berries and tree bark and so show us how. And if it’s supposed to make us fit, if it’s supposed to make us healthier, show us how.

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Muammar Gaddafi Leaves Libya

Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi has left his country for Venezuela or Brazil, as protests calling on him to step down have turned violent, a report says. Government’s crackdown on people to put down the protests against Gaddafi’s 41-year rule turned out to be counterproductive as demonstrations continued. Continue reading

Obama Avoid World Conflicts

The following is a list of ongoing military conflicts that are taking place around the world and which continue to result in violent deaths. This list is for the sole purpose of identifying present-day conflicts and the death toll associated with each conflict. Obama, on the other hand, finds his role as US President different. This video is from October 2009, the president position has been a party since. Where is Michelle, Michelle and her two daughters are spending this Presidents Day weekend on the slopes in Colorado. Vail(Colo.) Daily,

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Libya Unrest Heading Into Civil War, Obama Hiding

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Bahrain Army Open Fire On Innocent (Warning Graphic Video)

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Hosni Mubarak Resigns (video)

Protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square celebrate as they respond to news of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation. It was announced by vice-president Omar Suleiman on the country’s state TV

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Click On Links:
Hosni Mubarak Refuses To Step Down
Obama Fiddles As Egypt Collapse
Obama And The Muslim Brotherhood, Cairo 2009
Man On Knees Begging To Obama
Michelle Obama Still Hates AmericaObama Egypt Speech Intensifies Violence And Chaos
Presidential Seal Falls During Obama’s Speech
Hillary Clinton Warned America About Obama
Barack Obama A Muslim
The House Negro And The Field Negro

Hosni Mubarak Refuses To Step Down

President Hosni Mubarak told the Egyptian people Thursday that he would delegate more authority to his vice president, Omar Suleiman, but he defiantly refused to resign his post. In a nationally Continue reading